Like I've just said, job hunting is a bitch, applying here, applying there, same old bullshit, same fucking questions, are you tidy? if someone was to steal somethng, would you tell on them? are you puncuatual? where do you sleep? what are you wearing right now? I even remembered my social security number, I've written it down so many fucking times, and maybe that's a good thing. So I applied at the following places: Target (meh) Claires (-_-) FYE (can't get enough of those movies) Toys r' Us (fuck it) Barnes and Noble (for the old jewish lady in me) and Pearls art store on La Cienega, so these are potential employers, I'll be wating for their calls, if they are even interested on a fairly unexperinced out of high school gradute, in the mean time, I'll just enjoy the free time I have as of right now thank you very much...
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