Since everyone is hyped up on The Dark Knight right now, I won't be posting anything on the movie yet, in case some of you haven't seen the movie yet. So, in relation to The Dark Knight, I thought I would talk about a couple of Christian Bale's other great movies; such as American Psycho and The Machinist. Christian Bale sort of has this cult following so his fans know about American Psycho, one of those films that STILL gives me the chills, it sort of reminds me of A Clockwork Orange. Now The Machinist is another great movie of his, he lost 60 pounds for this movie and a few months later, had to gain more than all of his weight back for Batman Begins. That sounds pretty fucking insane to me, but that's also true dedication, if ya ask me. If he hadn't been able to gain the weight back for Batman, he woulnd't have secured the role, which means some B-list actor would have gotten the part, ahem, Eric Bana, anyone? So check out American Psycho and The Machinist.
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