Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Feel Exactly The Same Way

via post secret...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quote of the Century

"It's called an illusion Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money."

The New Itunes

Does everyone else finish downloading the new itunes?? That shit is sick! All of the new features are awesome but my favorite is the genious addition. That might be one of the coolest things I think I've seen so far this year. So you pick any song from your library and it makes a playlist consisting of either 25, 50, 75, or 100 songs from your own library that would go great with that song AND there's a sidebar that recommends songs from that artist and artists similar to that artist as well, with the itunes store on that sidebar as well. I'm in love..I've already bought some tracks from Lily Allen I didn't have and I'm satisfied.

Scary Shit



I've been nostalgic lately, and I was thinking about the movie My Girl the other day, well My Girl 2 more specifically, and I couldn't get that Elton John song that comes out in the movie, out of my head ; Bennie and the Jets. So I downloaded it, I'm pretty sure everyone's heard it and it's a classic, I've provided the link below for downloading.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Genious, Yet Stupid

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Angelina Jolie.

Clint Eastwood.

October 24.

The Changeling.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The new Apple Ipods were revealed today and I was crossing my fingers for the new ipod touches' to have a built in speaker, and my wish came true; they will not only have a speaker, they upgraded all of the earphones, which will now have microphone, it will have a "shake to shuffle" feature,, and yeah, you can actually shake it! I sound like such a nard, yes nard, but I can't wait get get my hands on the 32g i pod touch. Here's more info..

Monday, September 8, 2008

One Of Those Classics

The Torrance family, from of course, The Shining.

Is It Just Me or..

Are Stephen Colbert, Paul Feig and Bob Saget morphing into the same person?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Not Happening

So there was going to be an Arrested Development film in the works, there was even an IMDB page for it:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0901469/, but that dream was shattered for dozens of AD fans when during an interview this week for the craptastic movie Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, Michael Cera announced there was no plans for the movie and that he hadn't been approached; AND that he doesn't think it's a good idea to adapt the show into a film since all three seasons of the are on dvd, sounds like an asshole to me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Better Thank Me

On a random note, the trailer for the new Lindsay Lohan movie "Labor Pains (in my ass)" came out today, but I woudln't do that to you guys.

It's Trailer Madness

Another trailer yes, but this one is exceptional; it's the trailer for the new Gus Van Sant film about Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in America. It stars Sean Penn, James Franco, Emile Herche, Diego Luna, and Josh Brolin. I will defintily be checking this one out, comes out November 26.

It's Here!!!!

The trailer for Zack and Miri Make A Porno, starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks, directed by Kevin Smith; doesn't look half bad.

Spaghetti Western Meets Asian Cinema

This is Takeshi Miikes' next film, Sukiyaki Western Django. Normally I would have been excited for his newest film but I think an asian western is a weird combo AND none other that Quentin Tarantino makes an annoying cameo in the movie, he never was the best actor; watch for yourself...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If You've Been Under A Cave....

If you have any sense of humor, you will most likely enjoy/love this video, I literally cried while watching, I was laughing my ass off so hard, some people think it's lame and/or immature but for most people under 25, it's pretty fucking hilarious, so please enjoy Sister Being Busted By Brother.

Unboxing The Office Season 4

So I bought The Office season 4 today, exciting stuff, and I decided to record me unboxing it for the first time. If you haven't seen The Office, please do so, I've provided the link to the show below...


Monday, September 1, 2008

What To Do....

So Burn After Reading, the Coen brothers' first film since No Country For Old Men, and Righteous Kill come out on the same week of September 12. I want to see both films but I'm more inclined to see BAR than Righteous Kill, because RT comes off as a very gimmicky Colin Farrell-ish type of movie, trying to cash in on the fact that both Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are in this film together; both favorite actos of mine but idk, somethings' off....

True Life: I Live Another Life on the Web

Hopefully you know what True Life is, the show on MTV thats been running for years, ranging from all funny topics to downright sad. Well, I was watching this one, about people who have a whole different life on the internet, and this girl stood out to me. She was a musican who had stagefright so she has a second life in which her character was a famous rock star and looked almost identical to her. When she showed the cameras her second life avatar, she said "I can do the same vacant expression as my avatar." (see above) I thought that was sooooo funny, if you've never watched true life, or haven't seen this one, here's the link.......

And I'm Feeling Good

So I bought Guinea Pig Series' double feature of Devils Experiment and Android Of Notre Dame for 13 bucks, the "banned" japanese films from other there; I was down on my hands and knees when I was going through the bins at Amoeba when I found this sick little gem so I bought it along with Macabre, this sick, little shady italian film, filmed in New Orleans (?), I've heard its pretty stupid and sick and lame but I love that. Both cost me about 25 bucks, which is not bad, not bad at all.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The King Of The VMA's

Mr. Russell Brand did another funny promo for the VMA's with Britney Spears and this one is my absolute favorite, BAM!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Concerts That I Must Attend

There are just some bands and performers that I have to see in the next few years now that I'm 18 and I have a little more independence. These are the people/bands I have to see live, someday:

-Rage Against The Machine (they better not break up again by the time I get to see them)

-Kanye West
-Mark Ronson
-John Mayer
-Madonna (if she's still alive :D)
-Jason Mraz
-Lily Allen

I would have included Amy Winehouse on the list, but if i wanted to see a shitty performance, I'd just look at them on youtube, and the chances of her coming to L.A. to perform are slim to none.

Top Guitar Riff

One of the greatest guitar riffs ever.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Madonna's Bitch

So Guy Ritchie's new film RocknRolla comes out October 3, and I can't wait, he did another favorite of mine, Snatch, with the beautiful Brad Pitt. Apparently Jason Statham was supposed to have Gerard Butler's role but dropped out over scheduling conflicts; now I'm no fan of Jason Statham, he's a b-list actor that makes bad b-list movie, Crank, Transporter 3 anyone? But since he's out of the picture, it's fine now, AND Thandie Newton's in the film, I love me some Thandie Newton. RocknRolla, I'll be waiting.


Another movie post, I apologize. But its WATCHMEN, don't you understand???? The movie looks sick, no doubt about that, but will the movie be good? Well, I've read the comments from the avid graphic novels' fans and they seem to think that the movie will be great; the director Zack Snyder, successfully turned 300 into a movie so I'm pretty sure this will be a hit too ( i just jinxed it, didn't I?).


The Ting Tings Make Me Tingle

I heard the Ting Tings a while ago, but I didn't know it was them until my sisterrrrr lent me their cd and I heard their song again and I instantly recognized them and the song. I posted the video for their awesome song "Great Dj".

The Language of Women

So, as we all know, women are complicated creatures, I'll be the first the admit it. We make things difficult on purpose sometimes (SOMETIMES) because guys are completley oblivious as to why we're mad at them when they should know. Anyways, my friend emailed me this list of words and things us women do, and I'll admit, I've done everything on this list; Men, you are being given an inside perspective on a woman's mind, embrace it, take advantge of it:

(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say "you're welcome" ... that will bring on a "whatever").
(8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying FUCK YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to # 3

My Mission For Next Year; Comic-Con

I missed Comic-Con this year because there was no way of me getting there, but it is my mission to be there next year. I know it's a geek convention, over-the-top, ridiculous but I love that. Everyone goes, I would have given anything to meet Kevin Smith, Seth Rogen, J.J. Abrahms and the cast of The Office but there's always the years to come.

Beat This And You Win Something

Ok, so you don't get anything, just a little ego boost. I've been playing this game for a while and I can't seem to get past level 14 or 15, I don't exactly remember since everytime I lose, i just abruptly close the window. Point of the game is to get that little white ball to swing to that green ball while getting the coins, it's a lot harder that it sounds*, so good luck, link to the game below.


*that's what she said

This Is Gonna Be Epic

Star Trek, the J.J. Abrams revamped version is set to hit theaters in May of next year and we got a teaser trailer of the movie when Cloverfield came out. Simon Pegg is infinitely my hero, from Shaun of the Dead, to Hot Fuzz, to Run, Fat Boy, Run, to Star Trek, that guy from Heroes comes out too but who gives a shit, it's all about Pegg.


So hopefully many of you saw this tragic event unfold at the Beijing Olympics, ok, it was just fucking sick and sad. Look at that! His elbow is inside out, I feel so bad for this guy, he looks like he starts to convulse. Poor guy, video of the event below.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Guinea Pig Series

It's not real, so look at the pic all you want. The Guinea Pig Series is something I read about a couple of years ago but I recently got reminded of it again. The second film in the series, Flower of Flesh and Blood caught my attention the most. It depicts a man drugging the girl above, and cutting her up; to me, it doesn't look real and it isn't but I can see how some people can believe that it is. Apparently Charlie Sheen saw a few minutes of this movie back in the 90's and believed it was real, (pussy), and he contacted the FBI. First of all, why in the hell was Charlie Sheen watching this snuff wannabe, and where did he get it, its not like you walk into K-Mart and purchase it on the spot. So....I really don't know what my point is, I'm distracted from the bad special effects..

They Hate Weed

This ridiculous 1930's exploitation film on weed is so ridiculous and untrue, its quite funny. In the movie, they "warn" you about the effects of "marihuana", (i spelled it the way they did), the horrible "harm" it does to you and your loved ones. In the film, it ends with murder and a guy getting thrown in a mental hospital, ALL OF BECAUSE OF MARIHUANA, this movie is a must see just for laughs. The film ends as a teacher warns parents to warn their children about weed, very ridiculous.


Japanese Horror

Ok, so this movie isn't really horror, or maybe it is, depending on how you look at it. The movie is Ichi the Killer; director Takashi Miike, who also directed another favorite of mine, Audition. The scene above is one of the most elaborate, ridiculous torture scenes ever, the movie itself doesn't make much sense, but most japanese films don't, I suppose that's the way they intend their films to be; for you to make up your own explanations on why there is a puddle of cum in the opening credits. The movie is about a guy who needs answers, and the movie is very violent but if you enjoy crazy shit like this like me, then go watch Ichi the Killer.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Greatest Scene in There Will Be Blood

Recreated in legos, I can die happy now.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seth Rogen. Saturday Night Live. Rehab. Hilarious.

Seth Rogen was a guest host on SNL last year but they reran the episode recently so I proceeded to record his most hilarious skit.

*Kristin Wiig is my hero.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Hills Fan!

A man that can admit that he is a Hills fan, is more that fine in my book. To non-Hills fans, The Hills is a "reality show" on MTV which follows Lauren, Audrina, Heidi and Spencer. It is a guilty pleasure because no one likes to admit that they watch The Hills, most of the show appears to be fake but who cares, the show gets about 4 million viewers each week so obviously people don't mind. But back to Seth Rogen, he recently admitted he is a Hills fans in the current issue of GQ and in his exact words he "watches the shit out of that show" and he said he was even star struck when he ran into the cast at this years MTV Movie Awards, he says that Jonah Hill went to high school with Spencer from The Hills and Spencer went up to them backstage to tell them that he was a fan of their work, which left Seth flabbergasted, now I'm using Seth Rogen's EXACT words, don't think I'm making this shit up, I couldn't believe it myself.

Elsa Says Watch This Movie

Lila Says is a 2004 french film that I fell I fell in love with, much like how the main character falls in love with Lila. Chimo, is a 19 year old self proclaimed loser living in an Arab ghetto with his mother in post 9/11 France; he turns down an opportunity to study free of charge at a writing school for teenagers. Lila is a beautiful blonde 16 year old that lives in the same town. They have an unspoken love that reminds me of Jim and Pam, from The Office. There is so much more story but I don't want to spoil it. It really is a simple love story with a raw and emotional ending, so go rent or buy Lila Says.

Don't Play Fast Games and Square Dance While On Your Period

I watched this education video from the 1950's which was called Molly Grows Up; very interesting to see how they viewed a "menstruation" in the 50's. So I thought their views on the subject of what not to do while "mentruating" was so funny. In the film they say, you can shower, wash your hair, swim, dance, and picnic...um...ok? And they say that you cannot skate, ride horseback. play fast games or square dance...what??! SQUARE DANCE? Didn't they just say that you couldn't dance while on your rag? What is so different about square dancing than regular dancing? Is it more violent or pathetic? Answer: Both.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Born Under The Brixton Sun

My new media player, with my first song posting from Nouvelle Vague, with their cover of The Clash's Guns Of Brixton. Doesn't the player look cool?

My Favorite Scene From

No Country For Old Men.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yummy Yummy Yummy I've Got Love In My Tummy

The Hot Wings Cafe, the best place to get your wings in L.A. My sister used to take me alot, and I forever loved the wings from here. Theres one on La Brea and Melrose, and one in glendale but i recommend the one on Melrose, its a little bigger, but gets packed. Be sure to get the large with ranch, its soo good, you'll love it.

7011 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038-3307
Phone: (323) 930-1233

You win, you win. You lose, you still win.

Mmmmm..mmmm...mmm. Raging Bull. I just want to say, how great is this movie? Robert De Niro IS Jack Lamotta, a boxer in the bronx, the movie is soooo beautifully done by Martin Scorsese. Its done in black and white, has slow motion shots, dark and very light colors. Such a good story, sooo beautiful. Check out Raging Bull.

Completely Gratuitous

Since I've noticed that a few more people are coming to check out my blog, I thought I'd ask for some help. Those shoes above are the Sam Edelman Carmen Flats, I really want these but they sold them only at Urban Outfitters and now they don't sell them there anymore. If someone could please, please find these online, I would love you forever.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Le Plus Impressionnant

Les Diaboliques is a french suspense film, and I say suspense because never has a movie literally made my heart rate slow down to the point of it actually stopping. I'm not going to give away the plot, i'm not going to tell you what the movie is about because you need to check it out for yourself. If the last 5 minutes of the movie doesn't slow your cardiac rate down, then nothing will.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Greatest Man That Ever Lived


I Eat Diamonds!!

Oh you MXC, you will always have my heart. MXC, which stands for most extreme challenge, is a japanese game show dubbed highlariously in english. They have a penchant for their input of random exclamtions (My Parents Are Poor!) during painful eliminations. Its a must see, it airs on Spike TV.

Speaking of Bradly Pitt

So, reportedly, Quentin Tarantino met with Brad Pitt earlier this week to discuss him possibly starring in QT's next film, Inglorious Bastards. Then, it was said that QT was going to meet Leonardo DiCaprio to discuss him starring in another lead role. I'M SO FREAKIN' EXCITED.

Praise After Watching

Another one to look foward to. Burn After Reading is the first movie for the Coen Brothers since No Country For Old Men. It looks like they went running the opposite way from the look of NCFOM, you know, the mystirious, western-ish look that had going, but that's fine. What I am also more then ok with is, is the casting of Brad Pitt and George Clooney in this film. Definitely gonna check this out, comes out September 12.

On Dark Knight Overload

Since everyone is hyped up on The Dark Knight right now, I won't be posting anything on the movie yet, in case some of you haven't seen the movie yet. So, in relation to The Dark Knight, I thought I would talk about a couple of Christian Bale's other great movies; such as American Psycho and The Machinist. Christian Bale sort of has this cult following so his fans know about American Psycho, one of those films that STILL gives me the chills, it sort of reminds me of A Clockwork Orange. Now The Machinist is another great movie of his, he lost 60 pounds for this movie and a few months later, had to gain more than all of his weight back for Batman Begins. That sounds pretty fucking insane to me, but that's also true dedication, if ya ask me. If he hadn't been able to gain the weight back for Batman, he woulnd't have secured the role, which means some B-list actor would have gotten the part, ahem, Eric Bana, anyone? So check out American Psycho and The Machinist.

"Oh Please, Didn't Roman Polanski Just Win An Oscar?"

Indeed he did, for The Pianist. This small HBO documentary called "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired" is about infamous director Roman Polanski ,which I saw in its premiere weekend. I already knew some stuff about Roman Polanski; I knew he directed Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby (my fav) and The Pianist (great movie), that his wife was killed by Charles Manson "family" and that he was involved in some rape scandal, but this documentary went into all of this. What I found most interesting about this semingly sane man, is that he did in fact had sex with a 13 year old girl, whom he had invited into his home to photograph her, he admitted it himself and he knew he would get into a trouble when conticted, so he fled the country in the middle of his trial, and he hasn't set foot in the U.S. then, which was in 1978. He has directed many more movies since, such as The Pianist, and Oliver Twist, and as I already metnioned, won the Oscar for best director. Check out this aweome documentary.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Those Japs

This is from a japanese movie called Rubber Lovers, can you guess what it's about?

Friday, July 18, 2008

"Let's Talk About Your China Friend, What Kind of Dirty Porn Has She Done?"

Lalo talks about asians and I egg him on, Allan =_=...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Still Scares the Shit Out Of Me

Sweet and Tender

So I enjoy listening to this little french cover band called Nouvelle Vague, which in french means, new wave. They cover songs you wouldn't expect to be covered, like the Dead Kennedys, and Buzzcocks, but it works. There's only one of their covers that I did NOT enjoy, their Come On Eileen cover, which had a woman with a very low and dry voice singing it; which is ironic since all their other covers are done by women with sweet and calm voices, so it's sweet to listen to.

Something Else I Want

Those *glasses!

*and by glasses i mean dress

This Chick Has Balls, Like Literally

Well, I recently send upon this chick named Sada Abe, who was an entertainer, geisha and prostitute, but she isn't famous for that, she's INFAMOUS for cutting off her lover's dick and balls. She reminded me of that other woman, Lorena Bobbitt, that chopped off her husband's dick ten years ago. What I thought was so strange about this story was that it happened in 1930's Japan, I didn't think they were so freaky back then, I know it's where hentai and the guinea pig series came from, but I thought things were more idyllic back then, guess not.

Another Thing We Don't Have in L.A.

In Japan, they have the coolest SWAT team, look at them! That is so awesome, I would much rather have our SWAT team riding these cool futuristic looking scooters, than have like Paris Hilton riding one of these around on a photoshoot or something. Japan is so cool, minus the uh "pink" films they have, and the uh, skyrocketing depression rate...hmmm...nevermind.

Remember the Days When...

Before Dave Chappelle lost his mind? He was the star of his own show, Chappelle's Show. I remember watching Chappelle's show back when I was in middle school, his skit about the internet, his skit "When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong", *sigh*, yup, and of course his infamous Lil' John, Rick James, and Prince impersonations. Please enjoy...

You Knew It Was Coming*

Whenever you've caught yourseelf in a dilema, and someone says something that sorta sounds like something sexual, you have to say THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. You can use it in almost everyday life, ex: Hey! Is your mom coming? That's what she said, Wow, Steve, that looks really hard, That's what she said, I don't think I can keep this up any longer Ann, That's what she said. Use it, embrace it.

*that's what she said

iView Concept

Just a concept, but we might see iView hit the market late next year.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Now I Know You've Never Seen this One

So I saw this movie called Bobby a couple of years ago, it's about the Robert Kenndey assasination, but it focuses on the lives of other people leading up to the assasination. It was really interesting, most of the stories in the movie are fictional, but some aren't. Literally every actor you've ever heard of comes out in this movie, I'll name a few: Laurence Fishbourne, Nick Cannon, Heather Graham, Anthony Hopkins, Helen Hunt, Joshua Jackson, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Shia LaBeouf, Lindsay Lohan, Elijah Wood, Freddy Rodriguez, Martin Sheen, Christian Slater, Sharon Stone, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Now, when I saw Nick Cannon and Lindsay Lohan, I didnt think they could pull off their dramatic roles, but they did, and they did a really good job, especially Nick Cannon. So this is an ensemble cast, the movie doesn't rely on one actor, it relies on all the actors to carry the story, and its done beautifully. I recommend this movie to anyone that is interested in historical events, such as the Bobby Kennedy's assasination.